Single Piece Tool Steel Construction.
Engineered & Validation Tested.
The BackBone passes all applicable safety standards.
Trusted Partners in the UK/EU and AUS
will deliver your Backbone Swiftly and Effectively.
Reduce Losses Due to Insurance Claims For Personal Injuries due to Rear-ward Impacts
ANSI B56.1 Compliant
Samples of The Backbone® were tested by a leading global product qualification assessment firm, which verified that:
The Backbone® withstands rear-ward impacts to protect the operator:
The Backbone® will not interfere with the overhead guard:
Withstands rear—ward impacts to protect the operator:
ANSI/ITSDF B56.1—2009 Safety Standard for Low Lift and High Lift Trucks.
The safety bar was tested for strength in accordance with ANSI/ITSDF—2009, Section 7.30 Operator Protection for Stand—up, End Controlled, Narrow Aisle and Counterbalanced Trucks, and satisfies the requirements.
The standard specifies that a guard must withstand the impact of a truck carrying a fully rated load traveling 1.6 km/h (approx. 1 mph).
Will not interfere with overhead guard:
ASME B56.1—2004 Safety Standard for Low Lift and High Lift Trucks.
The overhead guard, tested with the safety bar attached to the lift truck.
Meets ASME B56.1 – 2004, Section 7.29.2(b) Cube Drop Test and ASME B56.1 – 2004, Section 7.29.2(c) Impact Drop Test.
Test result reports are available to purchasers of The Backbone® upon request.
Performance test results are specific to The Backbone® as designed and manufactured under licence by Lakeport Metalcraft Inc. Any other claims constitute misrepresentation.
Anyone can claim ANSI compliance. Ask for their results. Ask for their reports.